

Just as the earth was sung into being

Give yourself permission to speak

Let your voice be a prayer

May it bring liberation and peace

Reflecting the love and courage

That lives in your heart

For sound moves matter

Our bodies are the record keepers

Holding the wisdom and

Pain of our ancestors

Speak your truth to end the cycle

For those who had to stay silent

Your song is the medicine of our time.


With one look I’m lost

Dark blue,

Like the night sky

I’m searching for you

Among swirling galaxies

Separated by millions of stars

Intertwined by an ancient ore.


Your gentle rūḥ warms my heart
And your hands my weary feet

Your light shines bright
A guide for lost souls in the dark

So steady and true
You inspire faith and trust in masculinity

A love unspoken
Yet known in every gesture

Your patience is healing
And your kindness medicine.

A true prince, your Divine energy
Conjures Badr al-Badur, his Feminine

In turn, she offers her infinite wisdom
Refuge in her innermost sanctuary, the qalb

Beloved, hand in hand
Let us be of service in the world.


Grief is love with no home

Unseen and forgotten

It wanders restlessly

Seeking shelter in the hollows of the body

Only when grief is invited as a guest

Into the master chamber of the heart

Will it find peace, restored to love.


The highest calling of the Divine Feminine

Is to lead a man to his soul,

To initiate his healing,

To connect him back to Divine Source.

While the Divine Masculine’s highest calling is

To honor and protect the feminine,

Ensuring her path of service is free of harm.


As we move through time

Our souls kiss

Your body tracing mine

Ephemeral, in perfect alignment

Transcending beingness

A ring of pure light

Shining like nebulae

Infinite and circular

My perfect reflection

You cover me

Casting dark shadows

Lost in the folds of memory

As one hides, the other seeks

An endless dance among the stars.


Strong and steady is the beat

Of my Beloved’s heart calling me home Memories play

Like a worn out childhood record

Your voice dancing through galaxies

Impervious to time

In silence

a new rhythm is born

A stillness that shatters illusions

I feel you humming along

You are the song of my heart.


Warrior women

Rainbow daughters

Come forth, and heal thy womb

Descendants of the stars

And give birth to light!


For Dad

Highway traveler
back road wanderer

endless miles
outlined in yellow crayon


experience driven by curiosity
in a ’64 Ford LTD

shave an hour off
a twenty-minute drive

one foot after the other
desire becoming reality

the life of an aggravatin
problem solvin, country boy

an existence sustained by
pickles and peanut butter

even though, like hank and willie
all your friends have settled down

may the road keep callin
as you explore new frontiers.


For Mother

Where moonlit gardens dream
And roses lay their heavy buds to sleep

She gazes upon the stars
Floating on pearlescent clouds

Swirling silvers mists
Gather tiny dewdrops

Shimmering moonbeams shine
On a sea of iridescent jellyfish

Twilight’s purple veil
Reflects on crystal waters

As waves of aquamarine
Wash upon sparkling violet shells.



The moon has a secret

It whispered to me…


You are mine and

I am yours.


Only the courageous join the front lines

In this battle we call love

Its inevitable, the pain we inflict on the other

No one escapes without wounds

The heart breaks into a thousand pieces

Creating room for an endless love

Drunk on desire and passion

The senses take over

The only thing the future can promise

Is now, this moment is all we have

Brave one, lead

And I will follow you into the unknown…


I do not see you with my eyes

But with my heart

You live here

Engraved in my soul

An endless journey

Like stardust dancing on the wind.

‎انا لا اراك بعيني

‎لكن بقلبي

‎انت تعيش هنا

‎محفور في روحي

‎رحلة لا نهاية لها

‎مثل غبار النجوم يرقص على مهب الريح


The road to clarity is paved with confusion.

To ease your burdens on the journey

Discard ego attachments

You have collected along the way.

Allow yourself to get lost

To find the way.


My heart leans towards you

The way the rose receives the sun.


You can wander the entire universe

Seeking the one who is more deserving

Of your love and affection

Yet, only when you polish

The mirror of your heart

Can you see clearly

The reflection of the most deserving one

Is you.


Ode to Nizar Qabbani

Give me a child with your pure heart

And playful smile

Who embodies your nurturing spirit

Eyes glowing with curiosity

Who is forever exploring

The fabric of reality

Free and discerning as a hawk

Soaring high after their dreams

Through quantum realms

Traveling to places most cannot imagine

This is the prophecy

Our divine rainbow child

Whose light shines through seven rays.

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