1. Love is a practice.
2. Love is rooted in kindness and kindness heals communities.
3. Love combines accountability, care, commitment, communication, compassion, honesty, kindness, knowledge, respect, responsibility, self-awareness, transparency, trust, truth, and vulnerability.
4. I choose beliefs, emotions, and actions that cultivate peace of mind.
5. I shift my energy and mood by focusing my beliefs and thoughts on what I want, not what I don’t like. This creates clarity and minimizes confusion.
6. Only I can know what is truly best for me. When I receive advice, I pause to feel in my body if something feels true for me before taking action. Receive what resonates, and release what does not.
7. I forgive and treat myself like someone I love and respect.
8. I strive to practice compassion daily.
9. I allow myself to feel all my emotions, even the negative ones. Anger helps me to define my boundaries and shows me the way out of feeling powerless. It illuminates my fears, and clues to examine repressed sadness, disappointment, and grief.
10. I empower myself by rewriting my story from victim to the victor. Overcoming my traumas and challenges has made me wiser, resilient, kind, and compassionate.
11. I do not take things personally but take feedback with an open mind to better myself. Cruel comments are often mirror projections of their pain, fears, insecurities, and emotions.
12. The opposite of love is not hate, but fear. The way to reduce fear is not courage, but curiosity and acceptance. Acceptance leads to peace, understanding, and transformation.
13. I practice gratitude for the lessons I have learned and for all the blessings I have in my life.
14. I feel satisfaction and celebrate completing my goals no matter how small.
15. I focus on what is going well for me in the present moment, rather than what did not turn out the way I had wanted in the past.
16. Love is not exclusive to age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality.
17. Love is like the sun, it gives life and warms the soul, it is constant, infinite, and transformative.
18. I ground my energy allowing me to respond calmly to challenges with peace and compassion.
19. Forgiveness is an act of self-love and cannot occur without compassion. I release my attachment to the identity of being a victim by listening in compassion so that I may raise my awareness to understand when others are also suffering.
20. I take responsibility for myself, therefore, I do not give away my power by blaming or holding another accountable for my negative emotions or unhappiness.
21. I permit myself to be my authentic self.
22. I make things that bring me joy a priority.
23. I organize my lifestyle and finances to work for me. Not the other way around.
24. Money is a form of energy exchange that flows with abundance.
25. I am worthy of an abundant life. Abundance flows effortlessly to me.
26. By surrendering to my highest calling I have faith I will be economically sustained and supported by the Divine.
27. I buy only what I need or what I love.
28. I give generously to those in need without expectation of repayment or obligation.
29. I surrender the areas of my life that are a struggle. I am ready to let go and move forward now.
30. I make better choices with each passing day.
31. The past is not who I am today.
32. When I choose and don’t like the outcome, I can choose differently in the future, accepting I did the best I could at that moment in time.
33. I am responsible for creating my reality and giving my life meaning.
34. I attract things I need for my soul to grow and thrive.
35. I create opportunities. I don’t wait for opportunities to come to me.
36. I make choices that reduce suffering for all.
37. I take responsibility for myself, promising to be kind and compassionate to myself.
38. I am a source of love and care for myself, my neighbors, nature that supports all living things, and my fellow animals.
39. I trust myself and my inner knowing.
40. I choose to show up for myself ending self-betrayal, people-pleasing, or self-abandoning habits for love, acceptance, or validation.
41. I validate my needs and emotions. I create a life that serves my higher calling that meets my needs.
42. I only allow people into my inner circle who respect me, honor my boundaries, and have my best interest at heart.
43. I vow to identify when I’m lying to myself. I do this by acknowledging my insecurity and replacing defensiveness (against a truth or an idea) with self-compassion.
44. I am deeply loved and supported by all of creation. When I look around I see evidence of this.